

Discover the pulse of SteamDry’s innovation through our public deliverables. From Quality Management Plans to Techno-economic Assessments, these documents showcase our commitment to transparency and progress. Join us on this transformative journey as we reshape the boundaries of sustainable steam drying technology. Explore now!

D1.1 Quality Management Plan

The Internal Procedures Document for the SteamDry project is a comprehensive written guide that outlines the project’s key aspects, including communication, progress monitoring, quality assurance, and risk management. This document serves as a reference for the project team, defining clear objectives, documenting processes, assigning responsibilities, and establishing accountability related to project quality. It specifies the methodologies and procedures the team will employ in implementing, performing, and measuring these policies to ensure the project’s success.

D1.2 Ethics Plan

The Plan for the Management and Monitoring of Ethics Issues for the SteamDry project outlines a systematic approach to ensure adherence to relevant ethics regulations and procedures throughout the project implementation. This plan serves as a guide for monitoring and addressing ethical considerations at every stage of the project. The report details the specific ethical regulations that apply to the project activities and provides guidelines for handling ethical issues within the consortium.

D3.1 Vision roadmap of SSD transition

This deliverable involves the creation of a roadmap that details the types of dryers currently used in the Paper and Pulp Industry (PPI). The report includes estimates for the required process and dryer modifications, as well as an assessment of their technical complexity when implementing the Superheated Steam Drying (SSD) modification. Furthermore, the task involves the identification of potential reuse options for the steam generated by the SSD process. The goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the changes and challenges associated with transitioning different dryer types in the PPI to the innovative SSD technology.

D8.1 SteamDry IT concept

In Work Package 8, a streamlined concept is devised for data collection, storage, and the application of digital twins, models, and automation solutions in the paper drying process. This plan, detailed in D8.1, builds on insights from prior HORIZON projects and encompasses a comprehensive list of required measurements, data estimates, and storage solutions. The chosen technology ensures the effective implementation of models, data transport, and user interfaces within the innovative Superheated Steam Drying (SSD) framework.

D13.2 Initial communication materials for rising awareness

Deliverable D13.2 serves as a comprehensive report summarizing the initial awareness campaign and communication efforts undertaken in the first year of the SteamDry project. This compilation encompasses various tools and activities such as an introductory video, press releases, newsletters, brochures, and a detailed infographic outlining the integrated concept of SteamDry from Work Package 3. Serving as an output of Tasks T13.1 and T13.2, this deliverable acts as a pivotal input for the subsequent task, D14.1.

D14.1 Final Dissemination & Communication Report

Deliverable 14.1 is a comprehensive report evaluating the effectiveness of communication and dissemination activities in maximizing the SteamDry project’s impact. It includes materials such as policy briefs, engagement videos, and innovation factsheets.

D14.2 Report on the Networking activities

Report summarizing all project activities related to existing networks, sister projects, and initiatives, including networking with key industrial players. It also covers recommendations from External Advisory interactions and outcomes from the two symposiums conducted during the project.